40. Chao Zhou, Antoine Marlot, Peter Grassl. "CDPM2F: A Damage-Plasticity Approach to Modelling the Failure of Engineered Cementitious Composites", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2024.
DOI (Open access)
39. Peter Grassl. "3D lattice meso-scale modelling of the effect of lateral compression on tensile fracture processes in concrete", International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volumes 262–263, 1 February 2023, 112086.
DOI (Open access)
38. Ismail Aldellaa, Petr Havlásek, Milan Jirásek, Peter Grassl. "Effect of Creep on Corrosion-Induced Cracking", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, April 2022, Volume 264, 108310.
DOI (open access) || MATLAB code
37. J. Leppänen, M. Johansson and P. Grassl. "On the dynamic response of reinforced concrete beams subjected to drop weight impact", Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 180, 103438, November 2020.
DOI || Preprint
36. A. Sciegaj, P. Grassl, F. Larsson, K. Runesson, K. Lundgren. "Upscaling of three-dimensional reinforced concrete representative volume elements to effective beam and plate models", International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 202, Pages 835-853, October 2020.
DOI (open access)
35. I. Athanasiadis, S. Wheeler and P. Grassl. "On the influence of cell size on network modelling of water retention and conductivity of geomaterials", Submitted.
34. P. Grassl, M. Jirásek and D. Gallipoli. "Initiation of fluid-induced fracture in a thick-walled hollow permeable sphere", European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, Volume 76, Pages 123-134, July-August 2019.
DOI || Preprint || Presentation from BIRS workshop 18w5085
33. P. Grassl and A. Antonelli. "3D network modelling of fracture processes in fibre-reinforced geomaterials", International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 156-157, Pages 234-242, 2019.
DOI || Preprint
32. D. Gallipoli, P. Grassl, S. Wheeler and A. Gens. "On the choice of stress-strain variables for unsaturated soils and its effect on plastic flow", Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, Vol. 15, Pages 3-9, 2018.
31. I. Athanasiadis, S. Wheeler and P. Grassl. "Hydro-mechanical network modelling of particulate composites", International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 130-131, Pages 49-60, 2018.
DOI (Open access) || Preprint || Corrigendum
30. P. Grassl, M. Johansson and J. Leppänen. "On the numerical modelling of bond for the failure analysis of reinforced concrete.", Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 189, Pages 13-26, 2018.
DOI || Preprint || Input Files (LSDYNA Release 9.1)
29. C. Fahy, S. Wheeler, D. Gallipoli and P. Grassl. "Corrosion induced cracking modelled by a coupled transport-structural approach." Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. 94, Pages 24-35, 2017.
DOI (Open access)
28. I. Athanasiadis, S. Wheeler and P. Grassl. "Network Modelling of the Influence of Swelling on the Transport Behaviour of Bentonite." Geosciences. Vol. 6, Issue 4, Page 55, 2016.
DOI (Open access)
27. P. Grassl, J. Bolander. "Three-Dimensional Network Model for Coupling of Fracture and Mass Transport in Quasi-Brittle Geomaterials", Materials, 9, 782, 2016.
DOI (Open access)
26. D. Xenos, P. Grassl. "Modelling the failure of reinforced concrete with nonlocal and crack band approaches using the damage-plasticity model CDPM2", Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. Volumes 117-118, Pages 11-20, 2016.
DOI (Open access)
25. P. Havlásek, P. Grassl and M. Jirásek. "Prediction of size effect on strength of quasi-brittle materials based on integral-type nonlocal models." Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 157, Pages 72-85, 2016.
DOI (Open access)
24. D. Xenos, D. Grégoire, S. Morel and P. Grassl. "Calibration of nonlocal models for tensile fracture in quasi-brittle heterogeneous materials." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. Vol. 82, Pages 48-60, 2015.
DOI (Open access)
23. D. Grégoire, L. Verdon, V. Lefort, P. Grassl, J. Saliba, J. Regoin, A. Loukili, G. Pijaudier-Cabot. "Mesoscale analysis of failure in quasi-brittle materials: Comparison between lattice model and acoustic emission data". International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. Vol. 39, Pages 1639-1664, 2015.
DOI (Open access)
22. P. Grassl, C. Fahy, D. Gallipoli and S. J. Wheeler. "On a 2D hydro-mechanical lattice approach for modelling hydraulic fracture". Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. Vol. 75, pp. 104-118, 2015.
DOI || Preprint
21. P. Grassl, D. Xenos, M. Jirásek and M. Horák. "Evaluation of nonlocal approaches for modelling fracture near nonconvex boundaries". International Journal of Solids and Structures. Volume 51, Issue 18, pp. 3239-3251, 2014.
DOI || Preprint
20. P. Grassl, D. Xenos, U. Nyström, R. Rempling, K. Gylltoft. "CDPM2: A damage-plasticity approach to modelling the failure of concrete". International Journal of Solids and Structures. Volume 50, Issue 24, pp. 3805-3816, 2013
DOI || Preprint || Corrigendum
19. P. Grassl, D. Grégoire, L. Rojas Solano, G. Pijaudier-Cabot. "Meso-scale modelling of the size effect on the fracture process zone of concrete". International Journal of Solids and Structures. Volume 9, Issue 13, pp. 1818-1827, 2012.
DOI || Preprint
18. J. Novak, L. Kaczmarczyk, P. Grassl, J. Zeman, C. Pearce, "A micromechanics-enhanced finite element formulation for modelling heterogeneous materials". Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volumes 201-204, pp. 53-64, 2012.
DOI || Preprint
17. P. Grassl and T. Davies. "Lattice modelling of corrosion induced cracking and bond in reinforced concrete". Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 33, pp. 918-924, 2011.
DOI || Preprint
16. P. Grassl and M. Jirásek. "Meso-scale approach to modelling the fracture process zone of concrete subjected to uniaxial tension". International Journal of Solids and Structures. Volume 47, Issues 7-8, pp. 957-968, 2010.
DOI || Preprint
15. P. Grassl and C. Pearce. "Meso-scale approach to modelling concrete subjected to thermo-mechanical loading". Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE. Volume 136, Issue 3, pp. 322-328, 2010.
DOI || Preprint
14. P. Grassl, H. S. Wong and N. R. Buenfeld. "Influence of aggregate size and volume fraction on shrinkage induced micro-cracking of concrete and mortar". Cement and Concrete Research. Volume 40, Issue 1, pp. 85-93, 2010.
DOI || Preprint
13. P. Grassl. "On a damage-plasticity approach to model concrete failure". Engineering and Computational Mechanics. Volume 162, Issue 4, pp. 221-231, 2009.
DOI || Preprint
12. P. Grassl. "A lattice approach to model flow in cracked concrete". Cement and Concrete Composites, 31, pp. 454-460, 2009.
DOI || Preprint
11. P. Grassl and Z.P. Bazant. "Random lattice particle simulation of statistical size effect in quasibrittle structures failing at crack initiation". Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE, Vol. 135, pp. 85-92, 2009. DOI
10. R. Rempling and P. Grassl. "A parametric study of the meso-scale modelling of concrete subjected to cyclic compression". Computers and Concrete. Vol. 5, pp. 359-373, 2008.
9. P. Grassl and R. Rempling. "A damage-plasticity interface approach to the meso-scale modelling of concrete subjected to cyclic compressive loading". Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 75, pp. 4804-4818, 2008.
8. M. Jirásek and P. Grassl. "Evaluation of directional mesh bias in concrete fracture simulations using continuum damage models.". Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 75, pp. 1921-1943, 2008.
7. Z.P. Bazant and P. Grassl. "Size effect of cohesive delamination fracture triggered by sandwich skin wrinkling". Journal of Applied mechanics - ASME. Vol. 74, Issue 6, pp. 1134-1141, Nov. 2007.
6. P. Grassl and R. Rempling. "Influence of volumetric-deviatoric
coupling on crack prediction in concrete fracture tests". Engineering
Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 74, pp. 1683-1693, 2007.
5. P. Grassl and M. Jirásek. "Damage-plastic model for concrete failure". International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 43, pp. 7166-7196, 2006.
4. P. Grassl and M. Jirásek. "Plastic model with non-local
damage applied to concrete". International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. Vol. 30, pp. 71-90, 2006.
3. M. Jirásek, S. Rolshoven, P. Grassl. "Size effect on
fracture energy induced by non-locality". International Journal for
Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 28, 2004, pp.
2. P. Grassl. "Modelling of dilation of concrete and its effect in
triaxial compression". Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 40,
2004, pp. 1021-1033.
1. P. Grassl, K. Lundgren and K. Gylltoft. "Concrete in compression: A plasticity theory with a novel hardening law". International Journal of Solids and Structures, 39, 2002, pp. 205-5223.
3. C. Fahy, P. Grassl, D. Gallipoli, "Corrosion Induced Cracking of Reinforced Concrete", Durability of Reinforced Concrete from Composition to Protection, pp. 77-86, 2015.
2. D. Grégoire, P. Grassl, L. B. Rojas-Solano , G. Pijaudier-Cabot. "Macro and meso scales models to predict concrete failure and size effects". Chapter 5 in Damage mechanics of cementitious materials and structures, ed. by Pijaudier-Cabot and Dufour, pp. 121-153, Iste and Wiley, ISSN 978-1-84821-340-1, 2011.
1. M. Jirásek and P. Grassl. "Nonlocal plastic models for cohesive-frictional materials". Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Cohesive-Frictional Materials, ed. by Vermeer et al., A.A.Balkema Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2004, pp. 323-337.
79. G. Abdelrhim and P. Grassl. "On a geometric nonlinear Timoshenko frame element with material nonlinearity", Annual Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics (UKACM), The University of Warwick, UK, 19-21 April 2023.
Extended Abstract
78. G. Abdelrhim, P. Grassl, "Modelling the failure of steel reinforced concrete frame structures", Annual Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics (UKACM), Nottingham, UK, 20-22 April 2022.
Extended Abstract
77. I. Aldellaa, P. Grassl, "On corrosion-induced cracking in reinforced concrete with different corrosion rates." UKACM 2022 - Annual Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics, Nottingham, UK, 20-22 April 2022.
Extended Abstract
76. I. Ekop, P. Grassl, "On finite element modelling of concrete columns with non-circular cross-sections confined with carbon fibre reinforced polymer." UKACM 2022 - Annual Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics, Nottingham, UK, 20-22 April 2022.
Extended Abstract
75. X. Liu, C.H. Lee, P. Grassl, "On the modelling of spalling in plain concrete." UKACM 2022 - Annual Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics, Nottingham, UK, 20-22 April 2022.
Extended Abstract
74. C. Zhou and P. Grassl, "A damage-plasticity approach for modeling the failure of engineered cementitious composites." UKACM 2022 - Annual Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics, Nottingham, UK, 20-22 April 2022.
Extended Abstract
73. I.C. Mihai, A. Bains, P. Grassl, "Modelling of cracking mechanisms in cementitious materials: the
transition from diffuse microcracking to localized macrocracking." EURO-C 2022 - Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, Vienna, Austria, 23-26 May 2022.
72. X. Liu, C.H. Lee, P. Grassl, "On the modelling of the rate dependence of strength using a crack-band based damage model for concrete." EURO-C 2022 - Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, Vienna, Austria, 23-26 May 2022.
71. I. Aldellaa, P. Havlásek, M. Jirásek and P. Grassl. "Numerical modelling of the effect of creep on corrosion-induced cracking in reinforced concrete." Biot-Bazant conference, June, 2021.
70. I. Aldellaa, P. Havlásek, M. Jirásek and P. Grassl. "On modelling the influence of creep on corrosion-induced cracking in reinforced concrete", UKACM, April, 2021
Abstract || Extended Abstract
69. P. Grassl and J. Middlemiss. "FE modelling of rebar laps in steel fibre reinforced concrete", SEMC 2019, Cape Town, South Africa.
Paper || Short presentation.
68. P. Grassl. "Modelling the dynamic response of concrete with the damage plasticity model CDPM2", Framcos-X, 2019, Bayonne, France.
DOI (open access) || Short presentation
67. P. Grassl. "On the influence of fibres on tensile laps of reinforcement loops", UKACM 2019, London.
Paper || Short presentation
66. P. Grassl, D. Gallipoli, M. Jirásek, "Hydraulic fracture of a permeable thick-walled hollow sphere". ECCM-ECFD, Glasgow, 2018.
Short Presentation
65. P. Grassl and A. Antonelli, "Network modelling of fracture processes in fibre reinforced quasi-brittle materials", Euro-C 2018, Computational modelling of concrete structures, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, March 2018, pp. 60-66.
Paper || Short Presentation
64. T. D. Pham, L. Sorelli, M. Fafard and P. Grassl,"Modeling Nonlinear Creep of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete by Means of Hydro-Mechanical Coupling", Sixth Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Paris, France, July 9-13, 2017.
63. I. Athanasiadis, S. J. Wheeler and P. Grassl, "Network modelling of fluid retention behaviour in unsaturated soils", E3S Web Conf., 9, 11016, 2016.
DOI (Open access)
62. C. Fahy, D. Gallipoli, S. J. Wheeler and P. Grassl, "Transport-structural modelling of corrosion induced cracking of concrete", Framcos-9, Berkeley, 2016.
Paper || Short Presentation
61. P. Grassl and I. Athanasiadis, "3D Modelling of the Influence of Microcracking on Mass Transport in Concrete", Concreep 10, Vienna, 2015.
60. I. Athanasiadis and S. Wheeler and P. Grassl, "Modelling the Time Dependence of Transport Properties of Porous Materials", Concreep 10, Vienna, 2015.
59. P. Grassl, S. Fahy, D. Gallipoli and S. Wheeler, "A hydro-mechanical lattice approach for modelling hydraulic fracture", EMI, Stanford, 2015.
PDF || Short Presentation
58. I. Athanasiadis, S. Wheeler and P. Grassl, "Three-dimensional lattice modelling of hydro-mechanical coupling in unsaturated materials", Coupled Problems, Venice, 2015.
57. I. Athanasiadis, S. Wheeler, P. Grassl, "Three-dimensional network modelling of the influence of microstructure on mass transport in unsaturated soils", Geomechanics from micro to macro. pp. 901-906, 2014.
56. V. Lefort, G. Pijaudier-Cabot, D. Grégoire and P. Grassl. Correlations in the mesoscale modelling of fracture of quasi-brittle materials-extracting internal lengths, Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, pp. 393-403, 2014.
55. P. Grassl, S. Fahy, S. Wheeler and D. Gallipoli: A 2D hydro-mechanical latice approach for modelling corrosion induced cracking of reinforced concrete, Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C), St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria, 2014.
54. D. Xenos and P. Grassl. "Comparison of nonlocal and crack-band damage-plasticity approaches for modelling the failure of reinforced concrete structures", Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C), St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria, 2014.
53. I. Athanasiadis , S. Wheeler, P. Grassl. "Three-dimensional network modelling of the influence of microstructure of concrete on water transport", Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C), St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria, 2014.
52. C . Fahy , P . Grassl and D . Gallipoli. "A lattice model for liquid transport in unsaturated porous materials", Advances in Unsaturated Soils, pp. 507-512, 2013.
51. I. Athanasiadis , S. Wheeler, P. Grassl. "Lattice modelling of the micro-structure of porous materials for water transport", TRANSCEND Conference on Water Transport in Cementitious Materials, Guildford, UK, 2013.
50. D. Xenos, P. Grassl, "A nonlocal extension of the damage-plasticity model CDPM2 for modelling concrete failure", An International Conference on Computational Mechanics, Durham, United Kingdom, 2013.
49. C. Fahy, D. Gallipoli, P. Grassl, "On a Hygro-Mechanical Lattice Approach for Porous Materials", An International Conference on Computational Mechanics, Durham, United Kingdom, 2013.
48. P. Grassl, C. Fahy, D. Gallipoli, J. Bolander, "A lattice model for liquid transport in cracked unsaturated heterogeneous porous materials", VIII International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Toledo, Spain, 2013.
47. T. Saka, J. E. Bolander, P. Grassl, "Dual-lattice-based simulations of coupled fracture-flow in reinforced concrete", VIII International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Toledo, Spain, 2013.
46. D. Xenos, P. Grassl, M. Jirásek, "Evaluation of nonlocal approaches for modelling fracture in notched concrete specimens", VIII International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Toledo, Spain, 2013.
45. C. Fahy, D. Gallipoli, P. Grassl, "Corrosion Induced Cracking of Reinforced Concrete", VIII International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Toledo, Spain, 2013.
44. C. Fahy, D. Gallipoli, P. Grassl, "A Lattice Model for Liquid Transport in Unsaturated Porous Materials", First Pan-American Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Cartagena de Indias, Columbia, 2013.
43. P. Grassl, C. Fahy, D. Gallipoli, and J. E. Bolander, 2012. "A lattice model for fracture and mass transport in concrete", 2nd International Conference of Microdurability, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012.
42. P. Grassl, D. Grégoire, L.B. Rojas-Solano, G. Pijaudier-Cabot, "Modelling the size effect on the fracture process zone of concrete." The 20th UK Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ACME-UK), Manchester, United Kingdom, 2012.
41. C. Fahy, D. Gallipoli and P. Grassl, "Lattice Model for Mass Transport in Unsaturated Porous Materials", The 20th UK Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering (ACME-UK), Manchester, United Kingdom, 2012.
40. J. E. Bolander and P. Grassl, "Effective permeability changes of heat-exposed structural concrete containing polypropylene fibres", International Conference on Particle-Based Methods, Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
39. P. Grassl and J. E. Bolander, "A lattice model for coupling of fracture and mass transport in concrete", International Conference on Particle-Based Methods, Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
38. L. B. Rojas-Solano, P. Grassl, D. Grégoire, G. Pijaudier-Cabot. "Macro and meso scales models to predict concrete failure and size effect", Alert Geomaterials meeting, Aussois, France, 2011
37. L.B. Rojas-Solano, D. Grégoire, P. Grassl, G. Pijaudier-Cabot, "Macro and Meso scales models to predict concrete failure and size effect", International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC2011), Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
36. P. Grassl, D. Grégoire, L.B. Rojas-Solano, G. Pijaudier-Cabot, "Meso-scale modelling of the size effect on the fracture process zone of concrete", International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC2011), Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
35. C. Fahy, D. Gallipoli and P. Grassl, "On the mesh dependence of lattice models for analysing concrete fracture", 19th UK Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACME-UK), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2011.
34. P. Grassl, "CDPM2: A damage-plasticity approach to model the dynamic failure of concrete", 19th UK Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACME-UK), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2011.
33. L. B. Rojas-Solano, P. Grassl, D. Grégoire, G. Pijaudier-Cabot. "Macro and Meso scales models to predict concrete failure and size effect", 19th UK Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2011.
32. P. Grassl, U. Nyström, R. Rempling and K. Gylltoft, "A damage-plasticity model for the dynamic failure of concrete", 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Leuven, Belgium, 2011.
31. P. Grassl, H. S. Wong and N. Buenfeld, "Influence of entrained air and aggregates on shrinkage induced micro-cracking of concrete", CONMOD '10, Symposium on concrete modelling, Lausanne, Swizerland, June 2010.
30. P. Grassl and T. Davies, "On a three-dimensional lattice approach for modelling corrosion induced cracking and its influence on bond between reinforcement and concrete", Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, South Korea, May 2010.
29. D. Asahina, E. N. Landis, P. Grassl and J. E. Bolander, "Role of phase interfaces during pre-critical cracking of particulate materials", International Conference on Particle-Based Methods, Barcelona, Spain, 2009.
28. P. Grassl and J. E. Bolander, "Three-dimensional lattice model for coupling of fracture and flow", International Conference on Particle-Based Methods, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 154-157, 2009.
27. T. Saka, J. E. Bolander and P. Grassl, "Spalling potential of fire-exposed structural concrete: Numerical simulation of the effects of polypropylene fibers", 1st International RILEM Workshop on Concrete Spalling Due to Fire Exposure, Leipzig, Germany, 2009.
26. P. Grassl, H. S. Wong and N. R. Buenfeld, "Influence of aggregate size and fraction on shrinkage induced micro-cracking of mortar and concrete", 12th International Conference on Fracture, Ottawa, Canada, 2009.
25. J. Novak, C.J. Pearce and P. Grassl, L. Yang and J. L. Thomason, "Parameter study on the microbond test based on finite element analysis", ICCM-17 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2009.
24. J. Novak, C. J. Pearce, P. Grassl, L. Yang and J. Thomason, "Three-dimensional nonlinear finite element analysis of the microbond test", 17th UK Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACME-UK), Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2009.
23. O. M. Katwan, C. J. Pearce and P. Grassl, "Discrete modelling of heat transfer",17th UK Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACME-UK), Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2009.
22. P. Grassl, "Damage-plasticity constitutive model for the failure of concrete", 17th UK Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACME-UK), Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2009.
21. P. Grassl, "A new lattice approach to model diffusion in fractured media", Concreep 8. Creep, Shrinkage and Durability Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Ise-Shima, Japan, 2008. DOI
20. P. Grassl and M. Jirásek, "Meso-mechanically motivated nonlocal models for the modelling of the fracture process zone in quasi-brittle materials", WCCM8, 8th World Congress on Compuational Mechanics, Venice, Italy, 2008.
19. P. Grassl and C. Pearce, "A meso-scale approach to the thermo-mechanical modelling of concrete", WCCM8, 8th World Congress on Compuational Mechanics, Venice, Italy, 2008.
18. P. Grassl and R. Rempling, "Meso-scale modelling of the cyclic response of concrete", ACME 2008, The sixteenth annual conference of the association for compuational mechanics in Engineering, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 2008.
17. R. Rempling and P. Grassl, "Interpretation of fatigue mechanisms by means of a meso-scale model", XXth Symposium on Nordic Concrete Research & Development, Balsta, Sweden, 2008.
16. R. Rempling and P. Grassl,
"How volumetric-deviatoric coupling influences the crack prediction in concrete fracture tests", Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Catania, Italy, Taylor & Francis, 1, 197-203, 2007.
15. P. Grassl and C. Pearce. "Discrete modelling of fracture and moisture transport in heterogeneous materials.", MHM 2007, International Conference on modelling of heterogeneous materials with applications in construction and biomedical engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-27 June 2007.
14. P. Grassl. "Discrete approaches to modeling the fracture process zone of quasi-brittle materials.", CFRAC 2007, International conference on computational fracture and failure of materials and structures, Nantes, France, June 11-13, 2007.
13. M. Jirásek and P. Grassl. "Boundary effect induced by nonlocal damage formulations.", CFRAC 2007, International conference on computational fracture and failure of materials and structures, Nantes, France, June 11-13, 2007.
12. C. Pearce and P. Grassl. "On the modelling of temperature loading of concrete using a discrete approach", in Proceedings of the 15th UK Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Stirlingshire, Scotland, 2007.
11. Z. P. Bazant and P. Grassl. "Size effect of cohesive delamination fracture triggered by sandwich skin wrinkling", in Proceedings of the 15th UK Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Stirlingshire, Scotland, 2007.
10. P. Grassl and M. Jirásek. "Discrete modelling of the fracture process zone of concrete", in Proceedings of the 15th UK Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Stirlingshire, Scotland, 2007.
9. P. Grassl, Z.P. Bazant and G. Cusatis. "Lattice-cell approach to quasibrittle fracture modeling.", Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures: Proceedings of the EURO-C conference 2006, in Mayrhofen, Tyrol, Austria, 2006.
8. Z.P. Bazant, S.-D. Pang and P. Grassl. "Reliability of fracturing concrete structures and challenges of stochastic finite element modeling." Computational Plasticity (Proc., 8th Int. Conf. on Computational Plasticity COMPLAS 8, held at UPC, Barcelona), D.R.J. Owen, E. Oñate and B. Suàrez, eds., pp. 156-159, 2005.
7. P. Grassl and M. Jirásek. "Plasticity with nonlocal damage, with application to concrete cracking". Third MIT conference on Computational Fluid and Solid mechanics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 14-17, 2005.
6. P. Grassl and M. Jirásek. Nonlocal damage-plasticity model for failure of plain concrete. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fracture (ICF 11), Turin, Italy, March 2005.
5. P. Grassl and M. Jirásek: "On mesh bias of local damage models".
Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Proc. FraMCoS-5, Vail,
Colorado, 12-16 April 2004, pp. 255-262.
4. P. Grassl and K. Lundgren. "Localisation of deformations in concrete subjected to compression." Euro-C 2003, Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, St. Johann, Austria, March 2003.
3. P. Grassl. "Failure of concrete in triaxial stress states". 4th International Ph.D. Symposium in Civil Engineering, Munich, Germany, September 2002.
2. P. Grassl, K. Lundgren , K. Gylltoft. "Concrete under triaxial compression: A plasticity theory with a new hardening law". Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vienna, Austria, July 2002.
1. P. Grassl, K. Lundgren, K. Gylltoft. "Modelling of dilation of concrete and its effect in triaxial compression". XVIII Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, Helsingör, Denmark, June 2002.
3. P. Grassl. "Plasticity and Damage Mechanics for Modelling
Concrete failure". PhD thesis, Department of Structural Engineering and
Mechanics, Chalmers University of Technology. Göteborg, Sweden 2004.
2. P. Grassl. "Constitutive modelling of concrete in compression". Licentiate thesis, Department of Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden 2002.
1. P. Grassl. "Splicing of reinforcement loops in beams: Experiments and Non-linear finite element analyses, Department of Structural Engineering and Mechanics,
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden 1999.